Is a Bible College Education a Worthwhile Investment?
Parents and teenagers in local churches are asking this question more and more. Think with me just a moment: wickedness and worldliness are prevailing more and more in our society and basic Biblical doctrines are being questioned with increasing intensity. In spite of these circumstances, it is still possible for Christian teenagers to live for Christ and make a difference for eternity. Through the years, many young people have come to ABC with uncertainty and have left with purpose and a calling for their lives.
I believe that a Bible college education is needed more today than ever, and I would like you to consider the following reasons.
Have you ever made a life-changing decision? Many teenagers have made some of the most significant decisions of their lives as a result of hearing the preaching of the Word of God. At ABC, our students receive a steady diet of preaching in the daily college chapel services and local churches. Do not believe for a moment that God is finished working on you. He has only begun!
The Preaching Of The Word Will Change Your Life.

Every student at Ambassador spends more time studying the Bible than any other book. Why is that? Whether you are going to be a preacher or a doctor, you are going to face difficult dilemmas in life. The Bible has the answers for every problem. Students in the bachelor programs are taken book-by-book through the Bible in the classroom. Those taking the one-year Bible program receive an intense cross-section of Bible training to help prepare them for the next step of life.
There Is No Better Foundation To Be Laid In Your Life Than The Bible.

There is no lasting happiness for the Christian apart from serving Him. The majority of our students come to ABC because they want to serve the Lord in the ministry. In every class, they are taught by instructors who have years of ministry experience. Missionaries, pastors, evangelists, and other full-time Christian workers visit our campus and invest in the lives of our students. If you want to go into the ministry, attend a school that specializes in the ministry.
A Focus On God's Service Will Cause You To See The Most Important Things In Life.

God used a small worm to teach Jonah a lesson. He prepared a young shepherd boy to lead a nation. He invited some common, ordinary fishermen to follow Him, and they impacted the world. The Lord is not looking for the most talented and able. He is looking for those who are willing to follow Him in faith. A young life yielded to Him is a powerful thing.
Learn What God Can Do Through A Life That Is Yielded To Him.

While a Bible college itself cannot make a person have a close relationship with the Lord, it does provide an atmosphere that promotes a walk with God. Do not enter the adult years of your life without knowing Him and the power of His resurrection. Learn to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, and mind!
Every Christian Should Have A Fervent Relationship With God.

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