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Ambassador Baptist College
PO Box 158
Lattimore, NC 28089



Barnabas Scholarship

Each applicant must be either a dependent child of a full-time Christian worker or the third of three dependent children currently enrolled at Ambassador Baptist College. This $500 scholarship is awarded each semester. Download an application here.

Alumni Scholarship

Children of graduates of ABC are eligible for a scholarship for up to $1000 per semester. Click here for more details and to download and application.

Work-Aid Positions

A limited number of positions are available for on-campus employment. Compensation is typically applied directly on the student’s school bill. The student is responsible for the remaining amount on his or her school bill that is not covered by the work-aid program.

To apply for a work-aid position in the kitchen, janitorial, maintenance, or library departments, submit an application.

Student Spouse Discount

Spouses of a student carrying a minimum of nine hours may audit classes tuition-free (paying for books and fees) or take classes for credit at a discounted rate of 50%. (The pre-payment incentive does not apply.)

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