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Library/Gym Project Update

Updated: May 22, 2024

The new library is almost complete, and work has begun on the gymnasium. It has been an incredible journey so far. Here is the latest on the project.


On Friday, April 26, our college family did the unthinkable. We moved every book from the Kennedy Library to the new Buiter Library in LESS THAN 3 hours! Students, staff, and faculty members stood in line and took books from one library to the other. After the books were moved, we celebrated with a pizza blast and league volleyball championship games.


Since then, the wall dividing the old library from the gymnasium has been torn down, adding another 2100 square feet to the gymnasium. The maintenance crew has been busy working on taking up the old carpet flooring and removing the glue from the concrete floor. They are also working on the ceiling, redoing the electrical system, and preparing to remodel the bathrooms. Things are busy on campus!


As of the middle of May, another $100,000 is needed to complete the project. Churches and friends from all over the country have helped us get this far. Our target date of completion is August 1st so we can be ready for the 2024-25 school year. 

 To see an in-depth description of the project or to give, click here.




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